Interview DesK

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< AmazonCypress Semiconductors >


(Software Development Engineer)

Telephonic Interviews ( 3 rounds):

#Design a data structure for efficient insert(),delete(),search(), return_any_value().

#you have a sorted array in increasing order.Now shift n elements from right to first. Write a code to efficiently find n(no. of elements shifted). For example:
initial array : 1,2,3,7,7,7,8
after shift array : 7,7,8,1,2,3,7
output :3

onsite interviews (4 technical + 1 hiring manager):
#Given an array of integers such that the adjacent elements are either 1+ or 1- from each other.
Example : 1,2,3,2,3,4
Suggest an efficient way to search a given element.

#Reverse singly linked list.

#Find the nth largest element from last in a singly linked list.

#Given a m * n matrix and value k. Find k * k matrix within the given matrix whose sum is maximum.

#Given a m * n matrix filled with '0's and 'x's at random position with two positions marked as start 'S' and end 'E'. From each cell you can only move to those adjacent cells that have a '0'. Moves allowed is left , right , up, down. Find the length of shortest path between 'S' and 'E'.

#Given a Company hierarchy and a set of employees, How will you find out the common nearest boss of these employees. (More like common ancestor problem with n-arry tree).

#Given variable length mobile number prefixes of various mobile operators( aircel, idea, vodafone ,etc) suggest an efficient data structure and algorithm for finding out the operator if a mobile number is given.

#Given a set of n people such that each 1 has played with every other and either lost or won. Given result of all the matches, arrange the people in a straight line such that each 1 has won from the guy standing at their left and lost to the guy standing at their right.


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